New Member
Posts: 24
Post by oahni on Sept 25, 2007 2:32:43 GMT -5
Hello everyone, I just wanted to take an opportunity to introduce myself, as Hyasa was kind enough to bring me into ALI last week. So, without further adieu: My character's name is Oahni. I've been playing SWG since December '05. I just transferred Oahni from the Intrepid server in July because I couldn't take the "magnificent desolation" anymore. I spent the better part of 2006 playing solo, as all of my starting friends bailed over the months following Nov 15, 2005. By April '06, it was just me. In Sept '06 I met up with Komrad (I nicknamed him Kommie, for future reference ) And we've tried to make the most of SWG as we could. Komrad transferred from Intrepid in July as well. I don't get to play as much as I'd like, but when I have a few hours, I'm always there and up for most anything. It's been such a shock coming from Intrepid to Bria, that I'm learning a completely new way to play SWG... I'm sure this is the way the game was intended, ya know, massive multiplayer and all. I look forward to playing with you all. If anyone ever needs anything, just let me know! I suppose that is all for now. Thank you for having me in the guild. Oahni
Post by jett on Oct 5, 2007 12:48:11 GMT -5
Welcome to ALI Oahni. If you ever need any help with anything in game send me a tell or an e-mail if i am not on and I would be more than happy to assist in any way possible. I am glad you are enjoying Bria and the wild life it provides. If you pvp get ready for the " I R So Leet, I PWNZOR U N00B" smack talk from imperials in 10 man ganksquads after they just killed you 1 vs 10 ( not that it has ever happened to me...lol ). It is pretty solid overall.
A little history on me, I have been playing this game since Beta 3 testing back in march of 2003. My 1st guild was CoS (Council of Solaris) after about a year me and about 8 RL friends spun off of CoS and created our own small guild, CELL. After the CU and the NGE all of my RL friends had quit I rejoined CoS and was the Guild leader for about a year. I ran it with the help of a friend named Idiot Savant, he introduced me with Hyasa and we became allied guilds. I ran CoS diligently for a long time and became pretty burnt out with good people leaving and the massive time sink it had become. I took about 3 months off due to some moving and stuff where I had no internet access and when I returned all of my hard work with CoS was undone. The guild was almost completely dead and I quit and joined ALI with my old friend Hyasa. And here we are, I have been playing for well over 4 years now and have 3 toons on bria with a single account. Here is a listing of my toons for yours and anyone else's reference.
-Jett' Gunner- Elder Jedi ( unlocked March 05) CL90 Rebel Captain Double Ace Rebel Pilot- Vortex Squadron/Arkon's Havok Squadron
-Saphy Gunner- Commando/Beast Master (FS slot) CL90 Imperial Private Imperial Pilot
-Jazz' Gunner- Trader-Shipwright/BM Crafter CL90 Neutral Smuggler's Alliance pilot ( Talon Karrde's)
Post by hyasa on Oct 5, 2007 23:43:51 GMT -5
Welcome to ALI Oahni. Glad you and Komrad decided to come aboard.
As ive mentioned time and time again communication is big with me. My joy in this game comes from being able to help those with a vision, a goal in game. Ive seen crazy $hit in this game coming from peeps ive never expected.
Ive been a part of Cdeli City (on both planets) and our guild cdeli/ali since the very beginning. I hooked up with a dude named Optikal in beta 3 outside coronet HAND sampling. I then met Mason and Titus, also in beta, from Optikal. Us 4 decided "hey, lets kick a$$ when the game comes out." The birth of cdeli...
Game launched, we hooked up again and went with it. Others joined, then... a chitload joined, lol (i think people thought we were the only guild in game) we all made and sold armor. A little city was created on Corellia. City got attacked daily, (we had the only rebel bases in galaxy). Decided the location sucked, moved to Naboo. The option for City Halls were introduced, we jumped on it and had a city on the map. /golfclap
Ive been here ever since. Our former other 3 leaders are no longer with us but ive managed to hold the guild and city together. Think of Cdeli and ALI as a long term home. I understand game gets boring, money isnt there for account, or other things just come up. But remember this, you are a part of an in game family now. I will do my best to keep that light on, a working shuttle, and best of all new faces to see and new friends to be made. All i ask is for trust, loyalty and communication. With SOE willing ALI and Cdeli City will be there for you.
Even if everything else fails. I myself will be there at your side asking, "so, what'cha feel like doin'?"
hyasa - CO ALI
Post by kejid on Oct 6, 2007 22:35:01 GMT -5
Greetings Oahni,
I am one of the younger, old guys here, I only started playing just prior to the CU. I am not a member of ALI but am the Leader of PXT, a very small guild based out of Aydindril on Talus. Officially PXT has about 60 members but I believe we are down to 5 or so active people. Most of whom you will not see on ALIGlobal. I've mentioned it a few times but we really aren't chatty people.
Hyasa invited me and PXT into ALIchat as part of his attempt to bring the community closer together. I accepted as part of my attempt to take over ALI. First we take your chat channel, then we take your guild and finally we take your women.
I play under the characters Kejid T'Kel (Droid Engineer) and Klautu (BH but at this point really more of a Beast Master).
If there is ever anything you need please feel free to contact me.
And congratulations on joining the second best guild on Bria, sooner or later you will be in the best guild (once PXT takes over).
Post by hyasa on Oct 8, 2007 0:00:08 GMT -5
PXT who? I met kejid one day when robacca and i were out looking for flight pcs. He was a very pleasant salesman , egar to please and to explain anything. /goldstar. We started refering business to each other and here we are. He still sells and im a retired bum that floats wherever the in game wind takes me. Someday Kej will come to his senses and realize how much easier and more stable he can run his guild when he moves to Cdeli City. Besides, WE are your true in game friends, Many guild leaders realized it's more about the commaradery than anything else. Jett', kelbi, ken to name a few. Might as well represent one another no? Our accounts and this game wont last forever, but all in all bro i hope one day Cdeli City will be your final resting ground. I wish all of you could have met all of the people that were once cdeli/ali. So many faces, so many memories (thank god for screenshots), so much of everything... From the 4 yrs of holding down this city and guild ive learned that everyone comes and goes. All you can do is take advantage of every moment you get with them, leave the light on for them when they leave, and hope one day you get to hang with them again. Having you and your team in this city or with ALI in general means more than you know. Someday... Hyasa
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ALI Member
Posts: 70
Post by Zev-Tan on Oct 8, 2007 14:19:15 GMT -5
Welcome to ALI.
I should just go and explain that I'm pretty much the greatest ALI legend of all time because I'm just so d**n flippin awesome. However, I recently had to cancel my account for the time being because I'm in the middle of some army training (infantry btw stationed with the 75th ranger training detachment) and I don't have my laptop.
So a short bio on my character Zev-Tan. Joined during the second week the game got launched. Came in to be a Commando and kick some Imperial ass. Did a hell of a lot of pvp back in my golden age, you can ask around I rocked hardcore. Join Cdeli way back when they were on Corellia. Eventally wanted to do more stuff in the game so I worked on getting Jedi. Unlocked Jedi 5 months after the village was released (did a lot of hardcore grinding with a strict schedule. Hyasa knows all about my scheduling lol). Zev's been a Jedi ever since. Also got Xyio Quen and Vyn'lo Quen who are my two alts. One's a BH and the others a Commando I believe.
Hope to play with ya when I get my account back up and running.
Post by hyasa on Oct 9, 2007 23:06:42 GMT -5
Dont forget zev the ALI Title is out there again for MMA ALI Fight Club. I should have it by the time you get back. (yea i said it, bring it ALI...) Many things have changed in game. I know you're going to love the buff updates on everything, its sick. Hyasa - CO ALI, Keymaster Cdeli City, Community Relations Manager, Future MMA ALI Title Champion